Come to Worship Service on Sundays on time, if not, early.  


There could be genuine reasons why people cannot arrive on time for church events such as family or work commitments. Unforeseen circumstances may cause us to be late occasionally. But it should not be our habit to be late; in particular, late for worship service. We should make it a habit to not just come on time, but come early. We do not like to be late for important appointments for work or in our social lives. And so should also be the case when it comes to Sunday Worship. Here are some reasons why we should be punctual on Sundays.  

First, punctuality allows us to prepare ourselves to worship God. With the busyness of life, our minds are constantly preoccupied with many things, even as we arrive at church. These things distract us from our purpose for coming to church, which is to worship God. When we make the effort to arrive to church on time, then we can settle our minds, gather our thoughts, and focus on the Lord. This preparation is necessary if we truly want to be nourished in our worship.  

Second, lateness cultivates a lax attitude to worshipping God. Sunday worship is not just another event in our weekly schedule. It is the worship of the Almighty God. The worship of God is a holy and sacred thing. And we are commanded to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness”. To arrive late and casually wander in after service has started is a sign that we have a low view of worshipping God. Everything we do points us to God and is worship to Him. From reading and reflecting on the Scripture verse on the screen, to receiving the call to worship, to the opening prayer, and then the praise songs. All of it is worship to our God. Worship doesn’t begin when the sermon starts. When we are punctual, it is evidence of our humility and our recognition of what it is to worship our holy God.  

Third, punctuality encourages one another. To be at church on time for worship encourages the pastors, those who are serving that Sunday, and everyone who has come and gathered to worship God. It shows a desire and eagerness to enter the throne room of grace. It shows a readiness for God to speak to each of our hearts as we proclaim who He is and what He has done. When we, as a community, gather on time, together we anticipate what the Lord will do.  

Finally, punctuality sets a good example for visitors and/or those who are not yet Christian. What impression will it leave a visitor if most of the congregation are still arriving as the service begins? Not a good one. Or what kind of witness are we making to non-Christians when we say Sunday Worship is the most important thing we do as a church, the body of Christ, and yet arrive late? When we gather on time, they will see a desire and a reverence in worshipping God and will be more encouraged to return than if someone must assure them that “more people will show up” or “they will eventually arrive”.  

COAH, may we be a community that has a high view of our worship to God. Starting next week, we will be closing the sanctuary doors at 11:50am so that people can come in and prepare their hearts for worship in prayer. Please come in and spend some time readying your mind and heart to focus on Christ. Remember, join us on the main floor (the balcony is closed). I read a quote that says, “We must prepare for the service, plan to leave early, and practice the habit of punctuality”. May God bless COAH this year as we delve deeper in our worship to Him.  


Pastor Tim


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