Kingdom Dreams

Dear Church,


We have entered stage 3 in Ontario as of this morning. That means we can now dine inside restaurants and go to gyms and movie theatres freely. Imagine freely going to Tim Hortons or Starbucks coffee shops and chatting with friends over a cup of coffee. Indoor worship in churches now has no restrictions if we maintain the two-meter distance. Nevertheless, we should respect all safety protocols. 

Canada is now one of the most vaccinated countries in the world. Over 80% of the adults received the first jab and more than 50% the second jab. Merely a few months ago, the federal government was under heavy criticism by the media for its incompetence over not securing enough vaccine supplies. The media drilled the fact that Canada was in the last place among the G7 nations. When the supply situation vastly improved, the critical voice disappeared. The media knows how to criticize when things go wrong, but does not acknowledge when things go right. 
While the fight against COVID-19 is going in the direction of Canada, it is getting worse in Korea, Japan, and several SE Asian countries. Indonesia has more than 50,000 confirmed cases and over one thousand deaths daily. The authorities blame some 1.5 million people who ignored the domestic travel ban last May during the holidays. Like India, which suffered from the lack of oxygen supply, Indonesia is going through a similar crisis. For the pandemic to be over, literally, every country in the world must have firm control over the coronavirus. We are far from out of the woods.
Cautiously, we are returning to the life we have known before. How precious it is to be able to have a cup of coffee and chat with friends or dine in with others and share our lives! It is time to renew our fellowship with our small group members. Let us get out more and get together and share our Kingdom dreams once again.


May the LORD bless you and keep you strong.
Pastor Minho Song


Highest Attendance


Worshipping Together